is a unique, simple, single-page summary of the preceding month's sales activity and active listings complemented with valuable monthly sales to active listings ratios. It is a complimentary monthly statistical report emailed to you FREE of charge that will educate you on the following:
- What are the odds of your home selling today? 1 in 10? 1 in 100?
- What is the speed of the market for your neighbourhood, style of home, and price point?
- What is the official market type* for your price point, style of home, and neighbourhood? A buyers, sellers, or balanced market?
- The past thirteen-month trends for sale prices, active listings, and number of sales
- The opportunities of current inventory levels, prices, and official market types today so that you can capitalize on these markets tomorrow.
SnapStats® will educate you on what is going on in the market today, so you are prepared for tomorrow.
Once you sign up, you will receive your first SnapStats report within two business days from us. Your first report is waiting for you!!
Please fill in the form below to receive your FREE report. Indicate which geographical area you are interested in viewing the report for (in the message field below). Thank you!